What is Business Hazard Insurance?

If you have a decent knowledge of the insurance world you may know the term business hazard insurance. It is a type of insurance policy that plays a crucial role in protecting your business’s rental or owned building against damage and theft. This insurance not only covers the structure of the building but also protects your business’s equipment. It also refers as commercial property insurance or business property insurance. We will delve into these topics in this article.

Table Of Contents

  1. What falls under the coverage of business hazard insurance?
  2. Who needs small business hazard insurance?
  3. Hazard insurance for an SBA Loan
  4. Is hazard insurance necessary for home-based businesses?
  5. What is the cost of business hazard insurance?
  6. Options for commercial hazard insurance
  7. Difference between liability insurance and hazard insurance
  8. Do I need hazard insurance for my small business?
  9. Types of insurance coverages a small business must have
  10. F.A.Q’s

What Falls Under The Coverage of Business Hazard Insurance?

Hazards not only damage the homes but also damage the commercial properties. Here comes business hazard insurance that protects your commercial property from these hazards. Business insurance helps to cover the property from

  • Theft
  • Lightning
  • Natural disasters
  • Fire
  • Explosions
  • Civil Unrest

In some places that have a high risk of floods and hurricanes hazard insurance typically does not include insurance coverage. You have to pay some premium charges to avail the protection from the havoc caused by them. Here are the things that will be repaired or replaced under your business insurance. Always remember to read the terms of your insurance policy as the insurance policy coverage and cost vary with areas and business volume.

  • Property itself
  • Tools and equipments
  • Furniture
  • Valuable documents
  • Electronic systems
  • Fences

Who needs Small Business Hazard Insurance?

Who needs Small Business Hazard Insurance?

Anyone with a small business can avail a business hazard insurance and we suggest every person with a business to avail a hazard business insurance so that they can get leverage from the coverage of insurance policy in case of disaster. Here is the list of businesses that can avail of business hazard loans.

  • Manufacturers: The manufacturers can avail of an insurance policy and enjoy coverage on their manufacturing plants, outlets, types of equipment, and infrastructures.
  • Realtor: The realtor can avail insurance policy for the coverage of the warehouse, inventory, and tools.
  • Restaurants: The restaurant owners can avail of policy for the protection of equipment, furniture, and infrastructure from fire and different hazards.

Hazard Insurance For an SBA Loan

Small businesses were affected a lot when the COVID-19 pandemic happened. Many businesses went bankrupt and some businesses showed temporary losses. The Small Business Administration offers an economic injury disaster loan (EIDL). This loan program was offered to provide relief to the small businesses that were suffering from the pandemic.

Now SBA insurance policy is compulsory for you if you want to acquire an SBA loan for your enterprise. You have to show them a hazard policy protecting your business from different hazards as SBA wants the verification of protection of businesses they are funding. If you can’t reopen your business because of property damage SBA hazard insurance can also assist you in replacing your lost money. 

Is Hazard Insurance Necessary For Home-Based Businesses?

If you have a homeowners insurance policy then the policy will protect your house structure against a variety of hazards. And if you are running your business from your home then it will cover around 2500 USD worth of business property. Make sure to read the terms and conditions of your taken policy as the sops always vary from policy to policy and state to state. If the home-based business is more capital-intensive business then you have to go for additional coverage for maximum safety and security.

What is The Cost of Business Hazard Insurance?

Who needs Small Business Hazard Insurance

The insurance varies and depends on the volume and nature of the business. If the business is a million-dollar business with a huge factory then the risk factor also increases and that will increase the cost of insurance policy to attain the maximum safety and security of your business. A business insurance for a small business like a coffee shop or a small cafe has low-risk factors and the overall cost of coverage of insurance will decrease. Remember to reassess the value of your property continuously in case of your increasing business profit as you have to pay more for the coverage based on business value to ensure the maximum security and safety of your business. 

Options For Commercial Insurance

There are options for your commercial hazard insurance as there are two policy coverages that cover the damage of the replacement value and the actual cash value of our property. 

  • In replacement value, the insurance policy will cover the brand new busing items for your business lost.
  • In actual cash value, the insurance policy will cover the loss based on depreciated value.

You can also show the policy coverage between open perils and named perils.

  • In named perils the insurance policy only covers the losses that are named in the terms and conditions. Named perils are not as expensive as open perils.
  • In open perils, the insurance policy covers all the losses except the excluded losses by the insurance company that’s why it is more expensive than named perils.

Difference between Hazard Insurance and Liability Insurance

Buisness hazard insurance

  • It covers financial losses from damage or stolen business property.
  • This insurance policy will cover the theft or damage of the inventory or equipment.
  • Most landlords avail of these insurance policies.

Liability insurance

  • This insurance policy covers financial protection from lawsuits over damaged properties and accidents to the property that belongs to another third party.
  • If a customer has a slip and fall accident with injuries on the body at your business or if you damage the property of someone else, this liability policy will cover your legal expenses.
  • Mostly landlords acquire liability insurance policies to bear the expenses of lawsuits.

If you want to qualify for the SBA loan and EID loans then you might have to acquire both business hazard insurance and liability insurance policies.

Do I need Hazard Insurance for my Small Business?

Many states don’t require business owners to get hazard insurance but if you want to take an SBA loan or other business loans then you have to get business insurance policy coverage for your business. The plus point of the policy is it covers the cost of the structure, tools, equipment, and much more in case of any mishap and you don’t have to pay the loss from your own pocket. Let’s suppose you want to open a coffee shop and you have to invest a lot in the ambiance and interior as well as the exterior of the coffee shop so that you will grab more customers. Then to protect your expensive furniture and decor from fire and any mishap you must cover your property and business with an insurance policy as in any mishap it will bear the expenses according to the terms and conditions.

Types of Insurance Coverages a Small Business must have

If you are planning to start your own business then here are the insurance coverages you should apply for your business.

  • Worker’s compensation coverage: This coverage is a must in different states even if you have one employee and in case you don’t have this coverage you can also penalized for that. You can avail the worker’s compensation insurance packages with best coverages and on competitive prices.
  • General liability insurance: This insurance covers lawsuits in case of body injuries and property damage. You can get your desire general liability insurance policy and all the information by visiting our website.
  • Business owner policy: It is an insurance package that has many options and you can adjust the package options according to your business nature.
  • Professional liability policy: This policy includes the expenses of lawsuits of property damage or harm from your side to your client or another person.
  • Commercial auto insurance: The business that uses vehicles should have this policy as it covers the expenses related to vehicles. You can avail the commercial auto insurance policies with best rates and coverages on Lite Speed Insurance.

Lightspeed Insurance is a complete and professional insurance coverage company that is competing in the market with the best offerings. The company offers four commercial insurances including Workers’ compensation insurance, General Liability, Umbrella / Excess, and Commercial auto insurance. The company has plus points that make it the best choice for your insurance coverage. First the company is locally owned and operated, second the company has policies and customized plans that will always meet your expectations.The third point is the company has a market for all businesses that benefit you in your business, forth the company has online certifications for its members through self-service certificate portal and you can access this portal 24 hours a day and 7 days in a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is hazard insurance on business?

A: It covers the loss or damage of business property from several types of risks like fire, explosion, riots, power outage, theft, and civil unrest.

Q: What is covered under hazard insurance?

A: It protects property owners against damage by fires, lightning, winds, rain storms, or other natural events.

Q: What is SBA hazard insurance?

A: SBA hazard insurance is a business loan insurance to protect your properties from damages and theft. The SBA requires the business insurance to pass the loan.

Q: What does business catastrophe insurance cover?

A: Catastrophe insurance covers businesses and residencies against natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. This insurance also covers catastrophes created by men like terrorism and civil unrest.

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